Everyone deserves to have access to comprehensive oral healthcare services. At Lovett Dental Webster, we provide high-quality dental care to everyone who needs it. In addition to preventative care, such as regular dental cleaning, we also provide nightguards. There are numerous reasons why patients might need nightguards; however, one of the most common reasons is bruxism. This condition affects millions every year and can do serious damage to an individual’s teeth. Fortunately, nightguards are an easy way to prevent this.

An Overview of BruxismWoman shows her nightguards used to treat bruxism

Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding. Teeth grinding can occur either during the day or at night; however, bruxism is far more common in the evening. It’s not uncommon for stressed adults to grind their teeth at night while sleeping, but frequently, bruxism is an issue that affects children as well. There are several reasons why people might grind their teeth. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • An involuntary reaction to stress
  • A way to cope with anxiety
  • Frequent, recurring nightmares

Regardless of why people might suffer from sleep bruxism, this can wear down the enamel very quickly. As a result, this could also lead to tooth decay. This is where nightguards can be helpful.

Nightguards for Bruxism

It is critical for everyone to figure out why they grind their teeth so they can put a stop to this behavior. In the meantime, it is important for everyone to know how they can protect the enamel of their teeth using nightguards. Nightguards are designed to sit in between the two rows of teeth, protecting them from grinding together. A trained oral health professional will look at someone’s mouth and find a nightguard that fits appropriately. Then, they will review exactly how to take care of this guard so that everyone can use it appropriately.

In addition, nightguards can also alleviate some of the stress that has been placed on the muscles of the jaw, face, and scalp. In this manner, nightguards can be helpful for TMJ as well.

Nightguards for TMJ

One of the most common complications stemming from sleep bruxism is the development of TMJ syndrome. TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint. This joint is responsible for opening and closing the jaw. When someone grinds their teeth on a regular basis, they place a lot of tension and stress on the masseter muscles, which open and close the jaw. As a result, it is not unusual for someone to suffer from headaches, facial pain, and jaw tightness when they grind their teeth.

If TMJ syndrome is not treated appropriately, it is hard for someone to chew, speak, and swallow. The good news is that nightguards can also be helpful for TMJ. By alleviating the tension placed on the teeth, the jaw will have an easier time relaxing. As a result, individuals who use their nightguard regularly are less likely to wake up in the morning suffering from headaches, jaw tightness, or fatigue. That is where we can help you.

Contact Lovett Dental Webster Today To Learn More About Nightguards

If you suffer from teeth grinding, then you need to protect your teeth from harm. That is where we can help you. At Lovett Dental Webster, our top priority is to make sure that all of our patients’ oral health care needs are met. If this means working with you to find a nightguard that fits, we are happy to do that. Our trained oral health professionals have a tremendous amount of experience helping people who suffer from bruxism. Contact us today at 832-932-5584, or contact us online to make an appointment with a dentist from our staff.